execute 0.001536
SELECT c.lft AS c__0, c.rgt AS c__1 FROM cms_categories c LEFT JOIN cms_categories_translation c2 ON c.id = c2.id WHERE ((c2.lang = :locale OR c2.lang = :fallbackLocale) AND c2.internal_name = :internalName) ORDER BY c2.lang = :locale DESC

execute 0.000774
SELECT c.id AS c__0 FROM cms_categories c LEFT JOIN cms_categories_translation c2 ON c.id = c2.id WHERE (c.redirect = -1 AND c.published = 1 AND c.visible = 1 AND c2.visible_i18n = 1 AND c.lft >= :lft AND c.rgt <= :rgt AND (c2.lang = :locale OR c2.lang = :fallbackLocale)) ORDER BY c.lft ASC, c2.lang = :locale DESC

execute 0.000384
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.visible AS c__visible, c.published AS c__published, c.menu_item_visible AS c__menu_item_visible, c.template_name AS c__template_name, c.redirect AS c__redirect, c.list_item AS c__list_item, c.home_category AS c__home_category, c.type AS c__type, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c2.id AS c2__id, c2.internal_name AS c2__internal_name, c2.menu_item_name AS c2__menu_item_name, c2.page_title AS c2__page_title, c2.visible_i18n AS c2__visible_i18n, c2.lang AS c2__lang FROM cms_categories c LEFT JOIN cms_categories_translation c2 ON c.id = c2.id WHERE ((c2.lang IS NULL OR c2.lang = :locale OR c2.lang = :fallbackLocale) AND c.id = :categoryId)

Total execution time: 0.0026938915252686
Total fetch time: 5.2928924560547E-5
Total prepare time: 5.0067901611328E-5
Total time: 0.0027968883514404
Total exectued queries: 3


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